Although it is difficult to precisely defme the scope of management, yet the following may be included in it:

1. Subject matter of Management: Planning Organisation, Direction Co-ordination and Control from the subject matter of management

1. Functional Areas of Management: Functional areas of management include:

a. Financial Management: Which includes forecasting cost control, management accounting, budgetary control, statistical control, financial planning and management of earnings.

a. Personal Management; which includes recruitment, training, transfer, promotion, demotion, retirement, termination, labour-welfare and social security industrial relations etc.
c. Purchasing Management; which includes inviting tenders for raw materials, placing orders, entering into contracts, materials control, etc.
d. Production Management; which includes production planning, production control techniques, quality control and inspection, time and motion studies, etc.
e. Maintenance Management; which relates to the proper care and maintenance of the buildings, plant and machinery, etc.
~. Transport Management: which includes packing, warehousing, transportation by rail, road air, etc. •
g.Distribution Management: which includes
marketing, market research, price-determination, market-risk and their avoidance, advertisement,
publicity, sales promotion, etc. '
h. Office Management; which includes the proper layout, staffmg an,d equipment of the office.
i. Development Management: which relates to experimentation, research, etc.
3. Management is an inter-disciplinary approach. For the correct application of the management principles study of commerce, economics, sociology, psychology and mathematics is very essential.
4. The principle's of management are of universal application.
5. Three essentials of management are:
a. Scientific method,
b. Human r.e1ations, and
c. Quantitative tecbriique.
6. Modem management is an agent of change. Proper research and development can improve the techniques of management.