What are Twitter Applications?

Welcome to Twitterapps! - I have 275 Twitter applications at the moment

Twitter applications can be called by different names. They are sometimes called as "twitter tools", "twitter add-ons" and the likes. But whatever the name they are called, they are simply websites which have built-in scripts that complement Twitter.

Here is a simple collection of all the Twitter applications I have encountered on the internet. Contribute more applications to keep the list growing.

Twitter is a status-updating or microblogging social networking website. It is a breakthrough in social networking because it takes communication into another level. Before, a person can only update his status (eg. what he's doing, where he is) at a certain time. But with Twitter and it's mobile integration, he can update his status almost all throughout the day and get in touch with people that matters to him the most.

But the functions of Twitter do not stop there. It is now used by various fields. Business, for example, has used Twitter to get in touch with customers on a personal level. It is also a nice place to meet people from different parts of the world that shares the same interests. Furthermore, its possibilities to promote new technology, news and products can't be denied.

Join Twitter and use these Twitter applications to spice up your tweets!

Find out what is the latest trends on Twitter
Sites that tell the latest stories and trends on Twitter

Twitter Search (Summize previously)
Search for the latest trends on Twitter
A search tool that tracks trends as well as certain events.
Flaptor Search
A search tool that can be installed on your browser.
Tweet Scan
Search keywords on Twitter
Search Twitter users and topics
Find out the latest links and conversations on Twitter
find out the latest Stories on Twitter
Find out what twitter loves, hates, believes, etc.
Find out the most talked about stories on Twitter
Find out what Twitter is doing
Keep track of the good and bad on the twitterverse
Find out the most favored (saved to favorites) tweets
real time twitter analytics

Track Twitter Users
Find out who the top Twitter users are

Find out who the top twitter users are
Find out the top twitter users on one place.
a list of the top 150 Twitterers

Track certain keywords on Twitter
See keyword behavior on Twitter with these sites

Tweet Beep
Find out who is talking about you or your website through certain keywords
Site volume
Enter five keywords and see their activity on Twitter
Tweet Volume
A more personalize version of Site Volume
Monitor Twitter conversations on three keywords. Good for catching the latest news
Track a certain keyword on Twitter
See twitter memes or tags for Twitter
Find out what people are talking about through certain keywords called channels.
Twitter Meter
Find the trends of certain keywords
Flaptor Trends
Compare the trends of three keywords on Twitter
Twitter Spectrum
Find out the dominant keywords via a tagcloud generated.
Search for tweets of a certain person using certain keywords
real-time Twitter search engine

Twitter Links
Work with lnks on Twitter

Twitter Buzz
See the most popular links on Twitter
Link Bunch
Share more than one link on Twitter
Sorts out links posted on Twitter into news format
Find out the latest links posted on Twitter
Find out the latest URLs posted on Twitter
Twitter Split
Change the way you post links by adding your domain on the beginning of the link

Track Tweets Across the Globe
What do you get when you mix maps with Twitter?

Watch as people from different parts of the world tweet.
Twitter Vision
Watch Twitter in real time and see the location of Twitter users
My Tweet Map
A high tech map that tracks the location of a person
Track a person across the map
Twitter Map
Same with GeoTwitterous
Twitter Local
Find out Tweets about a certain locale
Another way where you can track the location of tweets
Geo Twitter
Another twitter location tracking site
Shows current posts as they are posted on maps
Twitter Atlas
Find the conversations at certain locations
Twitter Faces
Map + Faces

Enhance your Tweeting
Some tools to add elements to your tweeting

Twitter Keys
Brighten your tweets with little pictures
Translate shorthand text to English and the other way around for easy tweeting
Phone + Tweet, talk to your twitter friends through this online phone

Create Reviews via Twitter
Who thought 140 character won't make reviews?

Micro Reviews
Post reviews on Twitter
Submit reviews. A partner of Microreview
Louder Tweets
Have your reviews of certain products posted

Tweet Reading Tools
change how you read tweets

Twitter Digest
Read tweets digest-style
Read the conversations between two people on twitter.
Choose the tweets you wants to read. Mute people or mute topics that you don't want to read

All About Followers and Following
Track your followers as well as your own following behavior

Tweet Wheel
Find out which of your friends know each other
Twitter Karma
Find out who is following and unfollowing you. Have a mass follow and unfollow tool.
Twitter Snooze
If you have noisy twitter friends, you can snooze them for a certain time so you won't receive their tweets.
My Tweeple
Evaluate your followers through the number of dings (recommendations) they have from other Twitter users
Less Friends
Find out who unfollowed you using this tool
Receive the names of the people who unfollowed you via email.
Does Follow
Tells you if a certain follower is following a person or not
Receive a direct message when someone unfollows you
Find out the latest 100 posts of your followers
Follow a list of people all at once
Twitter Who
Invite lots of people in one go
See your last 30 tweets along with your friends. Use on Mac.
What's Up?
Find out what people are up to

Use Twitter on Your Site or Blog
Tools that can integrate Twitter to your site or blog

Add Tweets
Make Twitter Update Widgets for site or blog using javascript
Post your blog to Twitter through your RSS feed
Feed Tweeter
integrate Twitter with Plurk, your blog and delicious
Twitter Counter
Display your follower count on your site or blog.
Twit This
Add this option so people can easily tweet information from your site or blog
Twitter Tools
A wordpress plugin that lets you integrate Twitter with your blog. You can send your updates to your blog as well as create tweets directly from your blog
Twitter for Wordpress
displays latest tweets on your blog
Ships your tweets to your blog
Twitter Sharts
'Shart' your twitter status anywhere within your wordpress blog posts or pages
Twitt Twoo
plugin that will allow you to update your Twitter status right from your blog's sidebar.
Twitter Updater
automatically sends a Twitter status update to your Twitter account when you create, publish, or edit your WordPress post
Twitter Wordpress Sidebar Widget
a wordpress widget where you can send your tweets to your blog
a plugin that utilizes the Twitter API to automatically push a post to your Twitter account when it is first published.
Comment Twitter SMS Notification
plug in to be notified by SMS when a user post a new comment on your blog.
Stammy's RSS To Twitter
Not too many people have access to a Ruby-enabled server so the author decided to make a simple PHP script to get the job done.
automatically update your Twitter Account when you publish a new blog post

Update Twitter with other Social Networking Sites
Post to different social networking sites at once

Update twitter along with other sites like Multiply, Pownce, Plurk, tumblr and others.
Same as ping.fm but with added services
A client which you can download. It does pretty much the same as ping.fm

Twitter and your Favorite Websites
Integrate Twitter with other websites

Update Twitter with your current ebay listings
Twitter meets Amazon
iGoogle gadget that have ping.fm, twitter videos, twitter news, twitter tips, twitter tools and more.
Be Twittered
iGoogle app that automatically updates every 3 minutes
Twitter Facebook App
Integrate Twitter with Facebook
Friendfeed Twitter client
Update Twitter through Friendfeed
Twitter + Jaiku
Buy Later
Receive tweets when an item comes back in stock at Amazon
Twitter Yedda
integrate Twitter with your Yedda account
gadget for Windows Live. Displays your tweets
Twitter Planet
Windows Live gadget that features the public timeline on the planet earth
Import links on your tweets to delicious
Twitter Viddler
Integrate Twitter with your Viddler account
Drupal on Twitter
This module provides twitter notification for new posts. Each user can use their own twitter account to post updates too, as well as have a custom format string.
Googlereader Twitter Script
Add a Twitter button to your Google Reader
Twitter King Widget
Widget for Netvibes
Your Minis
Twitter widget for yourminis website